2015-05-13 : Ang nieux at Cannes
Ang nieux at Cannes
Photo Credit Bertrand Langlois AFP
Cannes Film Festival Official Partner since 2013,
Ang nieux is about to live two exciting weeks with the Opening of this 68th edition of the Festival.
Many movies shot with Ang nieux lenses at Cannes this year
In Opening of the Festival, on Wednesday, May 13th, is screened La T te Haute by Emmanuelle Bercot with Catherine Deneuve photographed by Guillaume Schiffman AFC with the Optimo 28-76, 45-120 and 24-290.
The legend of the Palme d'Or by Alexis Veller /AVProductions will be diffused in preview on May 16 at 9.15 pm, in Bunuel theater. This documentary has been made on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Palme d'Or.
It recounts the different stages of the manufacturing of this mythical reward, from the fair trade gold mines of Colombia up to the red carpet of the palace of the Cannes Film Festival, including the workshops of the Genevan Maison Chopard. From Martin Scorsese to Jane Campion, from Emir Kusturica to Quentin Tarantino, some of the greatest winners of this trophy bring back to life these special moments surrounding the awarding ceremony of the Palme d'Or. This documentary has been selected in the Cannes Classics category and will compete for La Cam ra d'Or and L'Oeil d'Or. DP Sebastien Gonon who was in charge of the Photography worked with the Optimo 15-40, 28-76 and 45-120 (Read http://www.angenieux.com/zoom-lenses/testimonials/#gonon2).
On May 17th is scheduled Mon Roi by Ma wenn in Official Selection. The movie has been photographed by Claire Mathon AFC with the Optimo 28-76 and 45-120. Claire Mathon has a second movie at Cannes this year: Les Deux Amis by Louis Garrel in which she also used Angenieux zoom lenses, the Optimo 28-76 and 24-290. This movie is selected at la Semaine de la Critique.
Eagerly awaited at la Quinzaine des R alisateurs, the Arnaud Desplechin's movie : Trois Souvenirs de ma Jeunesse photographed by Irina Lubtchansky with the Optimo 56-152 A2S, the first zoom lens in the new Ang nieux anamorphic line.
At Cannes again this year in Special Screenings, Une Histoire de Fou by Robert Gu diguian photographed by Pierre Milon AFC who also selected the Ang nieux zooms : Optimo 28-76, 45-120 and 24-290 and, at la Semaine de la Critique, Krisha by Trey Edward Shults photographed by Drew Daniels with the Optimo 24-290. And.. Out of Competition Mad Max by George Miller - DP John Seale - who used the Optimo 15-40 for most of the hand-held shots.
Presentation at la CST of the new Angenieux product lines
On May 21, on the CST booth at Pantiero from noon, with two other French companies of the cinema industry Transvideo and K5600Lighting, Ang nieux will exhibit their new product lines: Optimo Style and Optimo Anamorphic.
Tribute to Roger Deakins BSC ASC on May 22 in Bunuel theater
And, to close this 68th edition of Cannes Film Festival, on May 22, will take place the 3rd edition of the Pierre Ang nieux Excellens in Cinematography ceremony to spotlight the work of Directors of Photography. After Philippe Rousselot AFC ASC in 2013, Vilmos Zsigmond HSC ASC in 2014, Ang nieux is honoring this year the English Director of Photography, Roger A. Deakins, who worked closely with the Coen brothers, co-presidents of this 68th edition's jury. This tribute will be given in presence of an important artistic delegation: producer, director, actor and actress who have worked with him.
During the Cannes Film Festival, you can follow :
All news on Cannes Film Festival on
Cannes Film Festival Official Website : http://www.festival-cannes.com/
Cannes Film Festival on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/TVFestivaldeCannes
Cannes Film Festival on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Festival-de-Cannes-Page-Officielle/197710070249937
Cannes Film Festival on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Festival_Cannes
All news on Ang nieux at Cannes Film Festival
Ang nieux on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/AngenieuxLenses
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Ang nieux on Instagram : www.angenieux.com/angenieuxlenses
Ang nieux onPinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/angenieux/
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Photo Credit Bertrand Langlois AFP
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