xG Technology, Inc. ( xG ) (Nasdaq: XGTI, XGTIW), a leading provider of wireless video solutions for the broadcast, law enforcement and defense markets, and private mobile broadband networks for critical communications, announces that its IMT Vislink business has been selected to present at the Broadcast Engineering and Information Technology Conference (BEITC) at this year's 2018 NAB Show in Las Vegas. The session, titled Bringing Studio Workflows to the Field: Leveraging Licensed Broadcast Spectrum Assets, will take place on April 10th from 11:00AM - 11:20AM (PST) in the North Hall Meeting Room (N255).
While the Internet, IP technology and bonded cellular networks have radically and positively changed the way ENG is performed, too often broadcasters are connecting field and studio via unsecured, at-will broadband infrastructures they do not have control over, says John Payne IV, president of IMT USA. In our presentation, we will be discussing the shift in video technology toward acceptance, and now the adoption, of IP-based links into ENG workflows. We will also address the importance of preserving the security of the licensed BAS 2GHz frequency band while maximizing its efficiency.
Mr. Payne continued, Our newsnet solution is one of the exciting approaches to meeting this challenge. Newsnet can help deliver higher production values, lower operational costs, workflow efficiency through doing more with less, and channel resiliency provided by using BAS-licensed spectrum and the dynamic allocation of bandwidth to the most important transmissions. We have started to implement newsnet within select, prominent broadcast stations, with very encouraging results.
Lowell Beckner, Newsnet Product Manager at IMT Vislink, said, Newsnet was designed for broadcasters seeking to maximize coverage while fully leveraging studio assets to deliver a more immersive experience for their viewers. It takes advantage of newsroom automation systems by tying a live shot into the rundown and letting it dictate the priorities, enabling high-speed file transfers and access to the servers, intercom, prompters and other features.
Newsnet incorporates a high-speed and reliable bi-directional IP network that utilizes the exclusive and highly coveted 2 GHz BAS-licensed spectrum, thereby increasing the number of live ENG transmissions and workflows that can be performed from the field. The newsnet system consists of one or more mobile high-speed IP network nodes that easily connects with a base station, typically located at existing ENG receive sites. Each mobile node not only offers high-quality video transmission capability, but also a private and reliable ingress point for other IP-centric edge devices-allowing users to control their own private high-speed IP licensed wireless network and ensuring that their content newsgathering workflows and intellectual property are never at risk.
At NAB 2018 (Booth C6008), IMT Vislink will be showcasing a wide array of solutions alongside the newsnet ecosystem. A variety of wireless camera transmitters will be on display including the MicroLite 2 HD ultra-compact, ultra-low latency wireless video transmitter and the HCAM HEVC 4K UHD Wireless Camera Transmitter.
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