xG Technology, Inc. ( xG or the Company ) (Nasdaq: XGTI, XGTIW), whose IMT Vislink brands are recognized as the global leaders in live video communications in the broadcast, law enforcement and defense markets, announces today a partnership with Panasonic that will see IMT Vislink's external wireless solution integrated into the Panasonic studio camera range, enabling an end-to-end video capture, transmission and receiving workflow for various broadcast applications.
Panasonic's AK-UC4000 will also receive a software upgrade in September 2018, which will include the capability for 4K output via one of the 12G-SDI outputs from the camera head. When combined with the IMT Vislink HCAM transmitter, the AK-UC3000, AK-HC5000 and AK-UC4000 will all allow Full HD wireless video transmission, with 4K transmission using the UC3000 and UC4000.
Dean Chettra, Global Channel Manager at IMT Vislink, says, The HCAM represents the next generation of HEVC 4K UHD wireless transmitters, supporting applications such as ENG and sports broadcasts. The HCAM, which comes with highly flexible and configurable mounting options and intuitive video interfaces, can be mounted to broadcast cameras, ENG cameras and prosumer cameras broadening its market appeal.
Stefan Hofmann, Sales Engineering Manager at Panasonic said, With user-interchangeable RF modules and a range of software options, the HCAM continues the line of innovative, high performance wireless camera systems from IMT Vislink. We think that our users will find that the joint development we have carried will ensure that they have a smooth workflow for live wireless broadcast.
The HCAM features interchangeable, future-proof dual SFP modules supporting quad 3/6/12G SDI/HDMI/Fiber Optic and SMPTE 2022-6 HD-SDI over IP interfaces.
IMT Vislink is currently shipping its external wireless solutions for the AK-UC3000 and AK-UC4000. This is based on the existing HCAM transceiver unit, which supports HD and UHD on a switchable basis.
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