DK-Technologies Focuses On Audio Loudness At NAB 2011
In light of the recent CALM legislation on audio loudness in the US, DK-Technologies is using the NAB 2011 platform (Booth C7840) to highlight the numerous audio and video metering products within its range that are complaint with ATSC recommendations, as well as the European EBU R128 and ITU BS1770/1771 recommendations.
The company is also promoting a free software update offer to all customers with a MSD or PT0 600 series audio meter, which will enable them to use the new Recommendations. All new MSD and PT0 600 series meters will automatically have these specifications included, allowing customers access to use both ATSC and EBUR128 recommendations.
Alongside its focus on the important issue of loudness, DK-Technologies will also be showing a number of new innovations to its range of metering and monitoring products.
These include the PT0700R Client Panel a remote unit for the award winning PT0760M HD/SD Multi-channel Video Waveform Monitor. This must see product is aimed at broadcast engineers who want to access the facilities of the PT0760M (and the entry level PT0710M) from an entirely different location. With the Client Panel in place, an engineer in one location can see exactly the same audio and video display as the engineer in the Master Control Room - and can access all the facilities of the PT0760M without interrupting its use at the master location. This saves money and time and effectively makes it possible for an engineer to be in two places at once without any magic or trickery.
The PT0700R Client Panel offers the same high quality display as the PT0760M/PT0710M and gives users access to a set of soft keys that replicate those on the main unit. Both the PT0760M and the PT0700R display can be independently controlled, allowing for either identical or individual display of video and/or audio signals at both locations. A simple DVI interface between Host and Client is provided and the unit follows a standard interface protocol, allowing any DVI/DCC interface to extend the distance between the remote and master units. It is also possible to remotely control the unit from a standard PC via the Ethernet port - an innovation that will be on show for the first time at IBC.
Also on show will be the PT0740M, an audio-only version of the versatile PT0760M waveform monitor. This unit, which is aimed at engineers who don't need a video measurement tool, offers de-embedding from a single HD/SD SDi input and full StarFish surround Sound metering. It is complemented by the new PT0730M, which offers all the audio functions of its big brother but without the video input. These meters all benefit from the full range of PT0760 options, providing analogue and digital inputs and outputs, audio delay and Dolby decoding.
All of the products in DK's PTO700 Series of waveform monitors can now be equipped with the company's Loudness software. DK has also introduced a new feature that simplifies the issue of audio loudness even further by enabling audio engineers to literally SEE WHAT THEY HEAR. This software offers users the ability to see both peak and loudness metering at the same time, as well as providing dual loudness measurement (for example integrated and instant), while displaying the loudness in a graphical form. The PT0700 series also provides comprehensive logging so that reports can be easily produced to accompany the finished product.
The final new product for NAB is a revised version of the popular PT5300 Compact VariTimeTM Sync Generator. This modular multi-standard HD and SD gen-lockable sync generator already offers front panel and remote control, but it can now also offer Ethernet access and simple Network Timing Protocol (SNTP). From September, all new PT5300s will have these upgrades fitted as standard.
DK-Technologies can be found at NAB Booth C7840. If you would like a demonstration or more information about any of these products, please come and see us.
About DK-Technologies
DK-Technologies develops and produces audio meters, video sync and test signal generators, as well as video waveform monitors and colour analysers both for LCD and CRT monitors. Alongside its worldwide distributor network, DKTechnologies also operates branch offices in Denmark, Germany, UK and USA.